Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, John Hatcher, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds, Nigel Metters, Gary Wade
Apologies: Rob McHarg
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed. - Matters Arising Refurbishment of function room
it is proposed to replace the ceiling and lighting, decorate the walls, replace the furniture and lay a new wooden Floor. The banqueting chairs will be reused. The stage area will also be refurbished with new curtains, electrics, screen and AV facilities. Maw cost will be £40,000. Sky TV — The cost for the package would be approx £6,00047,000 plus an additional £2,000 for BT football. This would include three boxes (independent from each other to give multiple choice viewing), all digital channels induding Sky. The cost is equivalent of £750 per month and it should be noted that there will be no Saturday afternoon games (it is illegal to show them in this country anyway). A meeting will be arranged with the Sky rep to discuss/negotiate further. - Repairs and Maintenance
A quotation has been obtained for a wok boiler system and recommendation from the heating engineer. It would need to be positioned where there was previously a lift to enable a flue. It will affect the supply for the hot water to the kitchen which could be rectified by purchasing a separate small water heater. The total cost would be £3,260 + VAT. The ramp is not to disabled specification due to the gradient. The cost would be £620 + VAT and another E600-E700 + VAT for the handrail (price ttic by supplier). This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Jason is still trying to find a company we can use for the benches to be dipped and stained. - Bar
As we continue to have non-members using the club it was suggested that all members present their card when purdiasing drinks to receive club prices. No card, no club price. There is also the option to load the card with money to be used at the bar, however this needs further consideration/discussion. - Entertainment
Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email. Posters are also displayed in the foyer. Saturday 25`” January — Two Tens Darts Tournament @ 8pm Friday 7Th February — Harry Best Darts Night @ 8pm Plans in progress for the rest of the year - Membership
Membership renewal forms are behind the bar. Membership renewal for regular members is £20 and E5 for OAPs. We currently have 186 members (20 new members have been recruited) for 2014 so there are a quite a few renewals outstanding! - A0B
There is currently no food available in the dub, however Rona is available to provide food for functions. Our new neighbours have suggested replacing our fence in exchange for three parking spaces from Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm and this will be given due consideration. - Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday 12th February 2014
The meeting dosed at 9:00pm