Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, John Hatcher, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds, Nigel Metters, Gary Wade
Members: as per sign in sheet, Mr Spurling, Turnbull Associates
Apologies: Malcolm Swain, Mark Harris, Charles Butler
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed. - Matters Arising
There were none. - Reading of the Accounts
Mr Spurling read out the annual report and accounts for year ending 2013 (copy attached tn these minutes). Mr Spurling commented that there had been a large increase in bar takings, approx. 12% which is good given the current climate. The ?gures for 2013 were again excellent and the balance sheet is healthier than last year, however gross margin must not reduce any further and the wage bill needs to more in line with the takings. - Questions from the floor (4)
Jason Hart proposed that prices should increase for non members and that members will in future need to produce their membership card when paying for drinks to enable the reduced price with effect from 1 March 2014. This means there would be a strid ruling of no membership card, no lower price. Members agreed unanimously.
Rob Md-larg asked whether the membership card could be used to pay for drinks if loaded with credit, however because of the extra administration this would cause it was decided to defer for the time being.
Dave Smith asked if there was anything that could be done with regards to the new chairs, i.e. making it easier to move them as they are quite heavy. Jason will investigate further.
Elia Wenboume asked if it was possible to collect winnings (£500) generated by the fruit machine when John Gould is not present in the dub as the winners have to wait until the next day. Jason Hart explained that it is a security issue to have so money in the top safe. Members also requested the last machine that was replaced to be taken away and the old machine brought back as it was preferred. A request will be made to Kossway. - Committee Election
It was proposed by the Chairman that the present committee have a block re-election and this was seconded by Dave Smith. Dave Smith thanked the Committee for their hard work and support on behalf of the members. - Plans for 2014
Jason Hart con?rmed the back hall will be refurbished from 31 March to 20 April 2014. There will be no functions during this time. Two additional TV’s will be purchased for the back hall. - A0B
Jason Hart informed members that the decision has been made to purchase Sky on a one year contract basis @ £2000 per annum. Gary Wade provided members with more details – there will be a separate box for each bar (£700) which will be installed at a one off cost of £300 – BT Sports is not included. The current sports system will continue to run until the end of the contract which is approximately six months. The package will also include Wi Fl. Nigel Metters informed members that the cloths and cushions will be dianged shortly in the Snooker Room and thanked members and the Committee for their support. Once Thurstons have completed this work and the refurbishment of the hall has been ?nished, Nigel will ask the Secretary to write and invite the Mayor to an of?cial opening ceremony of the Snooker Room and back hall.
The meeting closed at 11:50am