Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds, John Hatcher Nigel Metters, Barry Clarke, Rob McHarg, Chris Hawke
Apologies: Gary Wade
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed. - Matters Arising
Urinals – situation continues to be monitored. - Repairs and Maintenance
Ladies toilet has again been blocked. The offending items were J cloths. Could we please ask members to put toilet paper only in the bowl. Please use the bins provided for any other items. The slipway is work in progress. - Refurbishment
The refurbishment costs came in at 10% over budget due to additional work carried out (snooker room plus misc extras). Jason has provided Barry with all invoices and receipts. Snagging items to be recitifed and hallway is to be painted. Notice boards will be put up in the entrance hall — could we please ask members to only use the pin boards for notices — please do not affix anything to the walls. It was suggested that we install a large TV screen to advertise future events in the entrance hall — Rob and Chris to make some enquiries. Jason is arranging for a montage of members to be created by a local artist which will be put up in the Lounge Bar. - Bar
John Gould will be on leave from 12th July-25th July, all shifts covered. There have been complaints regarding Fosters, checks to be made to the gas lines. A new ice machine has been sourced and ordered. - Website
The new website is up and running. Please visit www.oldwindsorclub.cauk. Jason clarified the situation regarding Stan’s departure. It was noted that Stan resigned from his position as webmaster. - Entertainment
Next function is Skin & Blister Band — Saturday 20th July Jersey Boys — Saturday 315′ August BB3 Band — Saturday 19th October Scar Souls Band — Saturday 23rd November New Years Eve — Beatles Tribute Band mixed with 50’s & 60’s music. - Membership
Membership has increased slightly. - AOB
May we respectfully remind members that abusive behaviour towards bar staff will not be tolerated. - Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 14th August 2013
The meeting closed at 9:00pm