Present: Laurie Hatcher; Jason Hart, John Hatcher; Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds, Nigel Metters, Gary Wade
Apologies: Rob McHarg
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed. - AGM
The AG” will take place on Sunday 2rd February 2014 @ 11:00 - Repairs and Maintenance
The ramp needs adjusting to enable disabled access and this needs to be completed by end of January. Chelsea will dieck the gradient and advise when the works can be carried out and provide a written quotation. A discussion took place regarding the provision of a disabled toilet and it was agreed to defer this item until such time as funds are available. The heating has been fixed, however there is a hole in the hot water cylinder and two valves need replacing. There is currently no immersion for back up supply of hot water. A quotation will be obtained for a combi boiler system and recommendation from the heating engineer. Jason is still trying to find a company we can use for the benches to be dipped and stained. - Refurbishment
The back hall will be refurbished in April and will be discussed in more depth at the next meeting. - Bar
Lorraine is still off sick following a knee operation and may not be back until the end of February. The picture of Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip is being reframed and will be returned to the bar shortly. We are looking at changing supplier for Flowers to save money @ E8 per barrel which equates to ppgrips £800 savings per annum. - Entertainment
Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email. Posters are also displayed in the foyer.
Club Christmas Dinner — Saturday 14th December (3 course meal with “Dean’ and “Franks – £20) — tickets still available Bingo — Monday 16′ December OAPs Christmas Dinner — Tuesday it December (please add your name to the list behind the bar — 65’s and over) Christmas Eve — Tuesday 2401 December — Kids Disco — all welcome Christmas Day — Wednesday 25th December — open from 12:00-2:00pm New Years Eve — Beatles Tribute Band mixed with 50’s & 60% music — tickets still available but selling fast - Membership
There are approx 540 members. Membership renewal forms are behind the bar. Membership renewal for regular members is £20 and E5 for OAPs. - A0B
A discussion took place regarding the serious problems we have been experiendng with the TV and the provision of intermittent football matches. It was suggested that we investigate costs to change to Sky/BT. Gary will investigate further. - Date and time of next meeting
Wednesday 15th January 2014
The meeting dosed at 9:00pm