Present: |
Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, John Hatcher, Gary Wade, Chelsea Reynolds |
Apologies: |
Rob McHarg, Nigel Metters |
Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.
Matters Arising
Repairs and Maintenance
The down pipe has been fixed. The leak on the back roof has been repaired, however it must be noted that there is two to three years life left in the roof. Estimated cost to replace would be approx £5000.
A major clean up has taken place and the chipboard has been replaced behind the bar.
Ann Hart has resigned from the Thursday shifts. John is covering until a replacement can be found.
Debby Benton has reduced her shifts due to other work commitments.
The price of Heineken is to be increased by the supplier by 5-6pence per pint, however they are prepared to cap the increase for the club to 2-3pence per pint. This is still under negotiation. However, a 3p per pint increase is proposed and will be discussed in more detail at the AGM.
Dates have been booked for 2015 on a bi-monthly basis. The first event will take place in March – details to follow at a later date.
We are seeking a replacement for Sharon to oversee entertainment.
New Year’s Eve was a very successful night, however it was marred by events that occurred. A member has been banned for three months for aggressive behaviour and causing a fracas in the bar. A second member will be spoken to by the Chair of the Committee and one other Committee member at an informal meeting.
199 memberships have been renewed to date. 241 memberships are outstanding for renewal to date.
The AGM is scheduled for Sunday 1st February. The agenda and achievements for 2014 were discussed in detail.
Bell Pullen’s 100th birthday party is scheduled for Saturday 24th January. The Committee voted to make Bell a life member and agreed to provide the buffet for her party (approx cost £150-200). Happy Birthday Bell!
Rob McHarg has resigned from the Committee. The Committee would like to thank him for his contribution to the club over the past years
Hall bookings – with effect from 1st February, all hall and meeting room bookings will be managed by John Gould. Jason will update the website with John’s contact details.
Sunday night quiz – There have been some complaints that the start time is getting later and later. It was agreed that we will try our best to keep to the 9:30pm start.
Open The Box is to be replaced by a tote. Members only will have the opportunity to choose three numbers to win the jackpot which will be drawn once a week. It is proposed to hold the draw on a Friday night with a deadline of 9pm on a Sunday night for the prize to be claimed (membership card will need to be produced when making the claim). The numbers will be published on the notice board, Facebook and Twitter (Gary Wade to set up Twitter account for the club). The first draw will take place on Friday 23rd January. If there are no winners, there will be a rollover.
Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 11 February 2015
The meeting closed at 8:45pm