46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068
46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068

Club Meeting Minutes – 13th May 2015

Present: Laurie Hatcher (Chair), Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, John Hatcher, Paul Carabini
Apologies: Nigel Metters, Bernie Hanley, Chelsea Reynolds


  1. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed by the chair.


  1. Finance

Current Account                  £64,277

Deposit Account                  £1,346

Bills to pay                         £15,000

Money Market Account         £90,000


  1. Matters Arising
    • Jason/John will speak to the brewery about using a smaller truck for deliveries. If they arrive with the delivery on a large truck they will be asked to park at the front of the building and bring the stock manually to the back.


  1. Repairs and Maintenance
    • There is some general maintenance and repairs in the entrance hall. Barry will review what needs to be done and speak to Derek about a general tidy up.
    • The two old radiator holes outside the toilets need to be filled in. Barry to investigate.
    • There will be two new hand dryers installed in the toilets. The cost is approximately £300 + VAT.
    • The carpet tiles in the meeting room to be replaced.
    • Repairs to stairs and the carpet at the bottom of the stairs re-pulled.
    • The weeds around the building have been sprayed.
    • Wall heaters in the snooker room are to be removed. Barry to look at replacement heaters.
    • The outside lights at the front of the club are to be removed. Jason to look at replacement LED lights and new fascia boards both upstairs and on the ground floor at the front of the building. Jason to review and provide three quotes.


  1. Bar
    • Bar Staff – there is a difficulty in getting reliable bar staff. John has advertised for new staff and has received two applications. John/Jason will arrange for interviews and update at next meeting.
    • John to review the Health & Safety policy and draw a new policy up for part-time staff.
    • The accident book is to be reviewed to see if there are any incidents that have been recorded recently.
    • Jason will get three quotes for the new bar tops. A decision still needs to be made on getting new taps on the bar.


  1. Entertainment
    • The feedback from the Motown night was very positive. There was a special mention and thanks to Bernie for organising the event.


  1. Membership
    • No matters arising. Gary is up to date with the club memberships.


  1. Old Windsor Carnival
    • The Club will supply the bar for this year’s Carnival this year. Jason to organise and setup.
    • The bar license for the Carnival needs to be organised. Jason to arrange.
    • The staff rota for the Carnival weekend needs to be pulled together. Jason to organise.


  1. AOB
    • No matters arising


  1. Date of Next Meeting – 10th June 2015