Present: | Laurie Hatcher, Barry Clarke, John Hatcher, Bernie Hanley, Chelsea Reynolds, Gary Wade, Paul Carabini |
Apologies: | Jason Hart, Nigel Metters |
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed by the chair.
- Finance –
- Actions from Previous Meeting
- The hatch into the cellar needs repairing – Barry has spoken to several companies about repairing the hatch. It was agreed that £280 would be spent on replacing the ball bearings – Barry will organise a date for this to be done.
- Radiators in snooker room need replacing – Nigel to organise replacement covers
- Committee member details have been update on the website – Gary
- Matters Arising
- CCTV 7 needs to be reviewed as not working properly. Camera may need replacing – JH to speak to Trevor
- Quote required for replacement gutters and facia – JH/CR to review and update
- Electrician to look at new LED lights at front at building – JH to update
- Music Equipment in the Back Hall – Gary to review options and present at next meeting
- Repairs and Maintenance
- There is some general maintenance and repairs in the entrance hall. Radiator holes to be filled in and carpet stretched. – JH to speak to PaulW
- The carpet tiles in the meeting room to be replaced. Possible spares available in office – JH to update
- New storage area required at the back/side of building. CR to look at layout and propose new design and replacement cost
- Air conditioning units to be checked and possible new covers added – CR to review and provide quote
- Bar
- The brewery have agreed to fit replacement T-Bar taps at no additional cost. Date to be arranged
- Contract of employment to be reviewed and signed by every member of staff – John/JH
- Options for new bar tops is being investigated – JH to update
- Entertainment
- It was agreed that the money allocated for the entertainment for New Year’s Eve was too low. Bernie to review options available. Additional funds will be made available if a suitable act is found
- The raffle from the last entertainment evening made a profit of £64
- There will be a disco on the 15th of August. Bernie to arrange with Shirley
- Membership
- Fully up to date
- There will not be a meeting in August
- Date of Next Meeting – 16th September 2015