Present: | Laurie Hatcher (Chair), Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, John Hatcher, Chelsea Reynolds, Bernie Hanley, Paul Carabini, John Gould |
Apologies: | Gary Wade, Nigel Metters, |
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed by the chair.
- Introduction
- The Chair thanked Christine Hawke for all her help and support as the outgoing Club Secretary.
- The Chair welcomed Paul Carabini to the new position of Club Secretary.
- Finance
Current Account £57,084
Deposit Account £1,346
Bills to pay £16,700
Money Market Account £90,000
- Matters Arising
- Jason to meet with the brewery rep to discuss the possibility of new taps and bar tops. Jason to update findings at next meeting.
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Jason has spoken to the Brewery and they have has agreed to review the damage that was caused by a truck to the gutters at the side of the building. John to discuss and provide feedback
- Gents Toilets –It was decided that there will be no further work done on the gents toilets for the time being. However some new signs may be placed in the gents.
- Barry has suggested that the entrance lobby to the club could do with a clean and refresh. Barry will review what needs to be done with John and update at next meeting.
- Bar
- Jason has spoken Helen Cottrill about the bar for the Carnival this year. It has been agreed that the Club will provide the bar again this year.
- It was agreed that the current range of bar snacks would be reviewed and kept to more appropriate choices in line with bar snacks.
- Some concerns have been raised as the club booking system for the back hall is not available online. It was felt that the current method of a centralised diary organised and controlled by John was sufficient for the time being. However John has been asked to send a regular updates to the committee on future hall bookings.
- Entertainment
- Bernie is currently reviewing entertainment options for future events.
- A Motown tribute band has been booked for the 16th of May. There will be no entry fee for this event.
- Bernie is reviewing possible bookings for New Year’s Eve. Update at next meeting.
- Membership
- No matters arising. Gary is up to date with the club memberships.
- Old Windsor Carnival
- Jason to pull together a rota for helpers on the Friday evening and Saturday morning.
- John to organise the stock required for the Carnival bar.
- Club Disciplinary
- After a recent incident at the club a full time member has been given a 3 month ban due to his unacceptable behaviour. Jason has spoken to the individual involved and put the ban in place.
- The behaviour of another club member was discussed. It was felt that at times he could be aggressive towards to staff and other members. John has been asked to speak to him about his behaviour and how it will not be tolerated going forward.
- No matters arising
- Date of Next Meeting – 13th May 2015