46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068
46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068

Club Meeting Minutes – Junes 2013

Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, Rob McHarg, Chelsea Reynolds

Apologies: Nigel Metters, Gary Wade, John Hatcher

  1. Minutes of the last meeting
    The minutes of the previous meeting were read and agreed.
  2. Matters Arising
    New signing in book is available for use behind the bar.
    No more news regarding the parking situation for the nursery planning application.
    It had been decided to raise the height of two of the urinals to combat the problem with flooding.  As replacements would cost £200 each and would probably not make any difference.
  3. Finance
    Current Account                  £60,258
    Deposit Account                  £50,553
    Bills                                      £17,000
    Bond Account                      £40,000
    It was another profitable month.  Figures are up on the same time last year.  The snooker maintenance contract with Thurstons has been signed for two years at a cost of £60 per month.
  4. Repairs and Maintenance
    Awaiting price for the alteration to the slipway gradient.
  5. Bar
    The bar prices in the back hall have now been adjusted for guests.  Membership card checks will commence once we receive an updated member list from Gary Wade.  We now have a new crisps and snacks supplier providing us with a better service.
    John Gould’s three month trial expires on 21st April and Jason proposed that a one year renewable contract is offered and this was seconded by Laurie Hatcher.   John will continue to provide a monthly report to Jason to be presented at future Committee meetings.
    Sample seating to be delivered next week and mood boards for the planned refurbishment will be on display.  Works planned to commence 10th June.
  6. Entertainment
    80 tickets were sold for the Debbie Harry night which was another successful event.  Future events:
    Auction of Promises for Holly’s son – Saturday 27th April – Fantastic prizes to be auctioned and there will be a band with free entry – please support this very worthwhile cause.
    Sing Out Sister Band – Saturday 25th May
    Damien Delahunty (Carnival Night) – Saturday 8th June
    Father’s Day (Carvery with singer) – Sunday 16th June
    Skin & Blister Band – Saturday 20th July
    Jersey Boys – Saturday 24th August
  7. Membership
    Reminder letters have been sent out to those who have not renewed their membership.  If you have not already done so please renew your membership so that you are able to produce a valid membership card.
  8. AOB
    Quiz masters – members have requested a prompt start @ 9:30 please.
    The club received a request to use the kitchen for food preparation from a local member of the community which was declined as we are already committed in this area.
  9. Date and time of next meeting:
    Wednesday 8th May 2013 @ 7:30pm

The meeting closed at 8:30pm