Present: | Laurie Hatcher, John Hatcher, Chelsea Reynolds, Jason Hart, Paul Carabini |
Apologies: | Nigel Metters, Barry Clarke, Gary Wade |
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and signed by the chair.
- Finance
- Actions from Previous Meeting
- The lift shaft has been removed from the cellar to allow for the replacement boiler
- Boiler replacement to be scheduled when date is confirmed from certified installer
- Tiles in the back bar and members bar have been fixed
- General repairs and tidy up of the internal bar area continuing
- General tidy up of font of building and the car park has started
- Matters Arising
- New storage area. Planning application to be submitted. Cost estimates to be obtained.
- Fire Escape Step to be replaced with galvanised step. – Site Survey to be carried out to review requirements and costs
- Cost of additional small ice machine for bar are to be obtained
- Cost to be obtained for replacement urinals in gents toilets
- Repairs and Maintenance
- Carpet tiles in the meeting room to be replaced
- Bar tops quote to be reviewed. New prices to be sought and to include replacement bar tops, replacement hand rails and general repairs within the bar area.
- Weekly site review and tidy up to be performed outside the building
- Replacement lights and gutters at the front of the building will take place in Spring 2016
- Bar
- Bar stock and rotation to be reviewed. Full bar stock inventory to take place and review of stock ordering and storage
- New booking procedure to be reviewed for hire of hall. Deposit will be required for all bookings
- Bar prices to be reviewed for 2016
- Cost of Hall Hire to be reviewed for 2016
- Entertainment
- Budget for 2016 to be agreed at next meeting.
- Scheduled events to be booked and planned for 2016
- Membership
- It was agreed that the membership fee will remain the same for 2016
- AGM scheduled for 11am on Sunday 7th February 2016
- Date of Next Meeting – 6th Jan 2016 – 7:30pm