46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068
46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068

Club Meeting Minutes – October 2014



Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Chris Hawke, Chelsea Reynolds, John Hatcher, Nigel

Apologies: Gary Wade, Richard Toms, Barry Clarke

1. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.

2. Matters Arising

Quotes have been received to repair the air conditioning unit in the hall and work will commence in the next couple of weeks. New blowers are needed. Total cost of repair will be £4,875.

The ice machine will be repaired at a cost of £160.

3. Repairs and Maintenance

Stop end to be fitted to gutter to address recent problems with leaking water.

4. Bar

There is an ongoing intermittent gas issue with lager cellar air/liquid system. Jason will arrange for the brewery to investigate further.

5. Entertainment

Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email. Posters are also displayed in the foyer.

Next function is Saturday 27 October – “Scar Souls”

New Year’s Eve entertainment to be confirmed

Dinner/Dance in December to be cancelled as we do not have catering available

Christmas Raffle – Nigel to ask Ella to organise

Christmas Day – club open 12:00-2:00pm

6. AOB

Debby is unable to continue doing the catering due to other commitments. We will be trying a new caterer in the near future.

A kill switch will be installed next time the electricians are carrying out work to provide a light in the porch area.

Rolf Harris records will be removed from the jukebox following his recent conviction at members’ request.

OW Parish Council have requested a £200 donation to provide Santa’s gifts for the Christmas Fair – it was agreed unanimously.

The AGM will be held on Sunday 1 February 2015 @ 11:00am

7. Date and time of next meeting:

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The meeting closed at 8:25pm

Metters, Rob McHarg