46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068
46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068

Club Meeting Minutes – November 2014

Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, John Hatcher, Gary Wade, Nigel Metters
Apologies: Rob McHarg, Chelsea Reynolds


  1. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.


  1. Matters Arising

Christmas Raffle – Ella & Nigel to organise.  Gary has some boards that can be used for multiple squares.

A letter of complaint was received from a relative of one of the staff concerning the behaviour of one of our members – Jason to investigate.  One bar person has resigned.


  1. Repairs and Maintenance

The dance floor in the back hall is being looked at due to some water damage from a leak.  The down pipe is still blocked at the top – further investigation to be carried out.


  1. Bar

Sharon has recently resigned due to personal issues.

It has been difficult to get cover for functions recently.  Various options were discussed and are to be considered by the Committee further.

The brewery have been in to look at the cellar and were very impressed with the cleanliness.  They found a kink in the pipe from the cooler with a slight yeast build-up.  This was cleaned but investigation is still ongoing regarding the problems.

Recent negotiations with a new supplier have improved our position with our current supplier, consequently we have benefited from better prices.

The bar tops are to be replaced at some time in the future, possibly in the spring.


  1. Entertainment

The November function has been cancelled and we are currently looking at provision for New Year’s Eve.

Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email.  Posters are also displayed in the foyer.

OAP Christmas Dinner on 15th December to be followed by Christmas bingo.


  1. AOB

Two quotes have been requested for replacement windows to be fitted in the flat.

A letter is to be drafted to a Committee Member concerning a recent incident at the club.

Membership figures for the year were distributed – we have a total of 581 members, an increase of 13 on last year.

Ladies toilet – a bolt on one of the doors need fixing.  One of the doors will be reversed to improve access.

The sound systems are going to be reviewed.  Gary Wade will contact Kossway regarding options.  The output system needs to be revamped.  We currently pay £173 per month for the CD jukebox.  All costs to be considered.

Wireless Connection – Any problems concerning wireless, please consult with Hannah behind the bar.


  1. Date and time of next meeting:

Wednesday 10 December 2014


The meeting closed at 8:50pm