46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068
46A St Luke's Rd Old Windsor, Windsor SL4 2QJ TEL: 01753 861068

Club Meeting Minutes – May 2014

Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds, Rob McHarg, John Hatcher

Apologies:  Nigel Metters, Gary Wade

  1. Minutes of the last meeting
    The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.
  2. Matters Arising
    There is no need for the purchase of a new aerial as terrestrial TV is now available via the Sky satellite.
  3. Repairs and Maintenance
    Hall Refurbishment – There is a slight leak in the roof in the back hall which will be repaired.  Consideration will be given to recovering the chairs at a cost of two to three thousand pounds as there are funds available in the refurbishment budget.
    Chelsea has been unable to obtain a price for the refurbishment of the outside benches.  Sandblasting them will destroy them and it was suggested that we consider purchasing replacements.
    Barry will look into tarmac for the car park.  A new fence will be erected once the building works next door have been completed.
  4. Bar
    Currently training two new bar staff – Sharon and Ollie.
    A drop match (pig) will be purchased for the cellar at a cost of £130.
    Introduced “Old Moat” cider and sales are going well.
    World Cup posters will be displayed.  The club will be open for all the England matches, first one on Saturday 28th June @ 11:00pm UK time- timing tbc.
    A dedicated BT line for Sky/Wifi will be discussed at the June meeting with Sky.  There is a problem with the remote controllers for separate programming which will be resolved by the Sky engineer shortly (1 x hall, 1 x lounge bar, 1 x members bar – will have own Sky box)
  5. Entertainment
    Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email.  Posters are also displayed in the foyer.
    Next function is Saturday 31 May – Elvis Night
  6. AOB
    The club will be running the beer tent at this year’s Carnival.  Further information will be provided by the Carnival Committee.
  7. Date and time of next meeting:
    Wednesday 11 June 2014

The meeting closed at 8:15pm