Present: |
Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, John Hatcher, Gary Wade, Chelsea Reynolds, Nigel Metters, Bernie Hanley |
Apologies: |
None |
1. Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting were read and agreed.
2. Matters Arising
Following the confirmation of committee members at the AGM, Barry has written to thank Richard Toms for his past contribution to the club.
3. Repairs and Maintenance
The worktops in the bar area are lifting – ballooning and chipped. Nigel proposed a replacement programme. Approx cost of replacement would be in the region of £7000. The brewery will be contacted and a quote obtained. The Committee Room is to be refurbished with built in cupboards and a new table and chairs,
4. Bar
We have a new barmaid, Denise North, who replaces Sharon. We need to source reliable bar staff for party nights.
The glass washer was serviced in February and there has been an improvement with Fosters but it is still not right and will be investigated further.
GIFT have visited to look at our products for sale and have advised possible savings of £8,000. However this would mean we would only keep Fosters and Guinness and not our other products. We will not be changing supplier but may be able to negotiate a good deal from another supplier as we know the rep.
Nigel has seen some beer flies in the cellar and installed fly papers to remedy.
5. Entertainment
We are pleased to welcome Bernie Hanley to the Committee who will oversee entertainment. A list of future events will be added to the website. Irish night has been planned for Saturday 21st March. The cost of the band is £600, however it was proposed not to charge members an entry fee for this function only as the club has done well over the past year. A nominal charge will be made for functions going forward – Bernie will confirm. A budget of £1250 was agreed to arrange the entertainment for New Year’s Eve.
6. Membership
105 members have not renewed their membership this year. We have 524 members vs 587 last year.
7. AOB
Jason will speak to a member who has been making complaints about Fosters.
A letter has been sent to a member advising of a one year ban due to abusive behaviour.
The brewery recently caused some damage to the end gutter when turning and also hit the fence and broke the security light. John Gould will speak to the brewery and report back to the Committee with a resolution.
The radiator from the entrance hall was removed as it was leaking.
Gary Wade will be updating the website to include the facility to upload photos for members, a calendar showing football matches to be shown in the front bar, future events, updating the history section and will also provide updates on Facebook.
Chris Hawke has given one month’s notice and a replacement Club Secretary will be sourced asap.
8. Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 8 April 2015
The meeting closed at 8:37pm