Present: Laurie Hatcher, Jason Hart, Barry Clarke, Chris Hawke, Richard Toms, Chelsea Reynolds
Apologies: Rob McHarg, John Hatcher, Nigel Metters, Gary Wade
- Minutes of the last meeting
There were no minutes available from the previous meeting. - Matters Arising
Refurbishment of function room – Work is progressing well and should be completed by Sunday 20 April.
Sky TV – Installation will take place on Friday 11 April. - Repairs and Maintenance
There is currently no terrestrial TV as there is no aerial due to storm damage. A new aerial will be purchased and installed.
There is still difficulty in trying to find a company we can use for the benches to be dipped and stained. Chelsea will investigate further.
Thurstons will be at the club on 29 & 30 April to replace the tablecloth and cushions. Nigel will arrange for a notice to be displayed advising members. - Bar
John is currently using an old version of Outlook. A newer version will be uploaded shortly.
Cover for daytime/ Saturday evening is required to replace Lynne & Lorraine who are both no longer employed by the club and will be advertised shortly. - Entertainment
Functions are advertised on the website and members are also being notified via email. Posters are also displayed in the foyer.
Next function is Saturday 31 May – Elvis Night - Hall Hire
Cost for hiring the hall was discussed and the following prices were agreed:
Non members – £150 hall hire + £50 for bar person = £200 total fee (evening function)
Members – Free hall hire + £50 for bar person = £50 total fee. If numbers 50+ and extra bar person is required a further £50 will be payable. - AOB
There has been a problem with the club website email address which is being investigated.
Nigel suggested a new board should be displayed showing the club address in the same font at the “Old Windsor Club” sign – Nigel to action. In addition, Nigel suggested a lockable board to display upcoming functions outside the club however the Committee did not agree with this idea.
There have been complaints regarding members/guests smoking in close proximity of the front doors. Unfortunately there is no solution feasible to address this ongoing problem. Smokers are reminded to please consider other members and use the designated smoking area. - Date and time of next meeting:
Wednesday 14 May 2014
The meeting closed at 8:35pm